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mentoring miyagiIf you want to incorporate a mentoring strategy or program in your own or a client's organisation, department, or team, these tips will help ensure its success:

Mentoring is a development opportunity for both parties. Eager learners and seasoned veterans who are willing to mentor them can easily connect and begin a consensual, mutually beneficial mentoring relationship. However, the mentoring can also flow in the other direction, since there are many things a seasoned employee can learn from a green one. Regardless of who is the mentor and who is the protégé, both develop important competencies during the relationships, such as organisational information, networking, and political savvy for the protégé, and listening skills, flexibility, and leadership skills for the mentor.

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hands earthYou may ask, "Why non-for-profit leadership?" After all, leadership is leadership, right? The answer is Yes—and No.

Unique Challenges
The context and challenges of leadership in the non-for-profit sector are unique. The primary difference, traditionally, between for-profit and non-for-profit businesses is the bottom line. The for-profit leader keeps an eye on return on investment (ROI); she must answer to stockholders about her—and organisational—performance. The non-for-profit leader, though, has a double-bottom line to contend with—the return on mission (ROM) and the ROI on investments made by donors, foundations, and other resources. And in recent years, the nonprofit sector has been encouraged to be more "business-like" and efficient.

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innovationInnovation is the creation and implementation of something new and different. Innovation is a fresh approach to solving a problem and application of the solution. Innovation is both thinking and doing. Innovation is follow-through, the commercialization of a good idea.

Innovation is vital because it's the only way you can reliably achieve profitable growth. And profitable growth is the chief objective of every CEO. You've got to have profit—that goes without saying. But profit is not enough. You also need growth. In a dynamic competitive landscape, the company that's not growing is on its way to irrelevance.

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