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asqa logoTargeted audits of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) will address allegations of unscrupulous marketing and other practices intended to exploit the Australian Government's VET FEE-HELP program.

Assistant Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham said the national regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), would undertake a total of 23 audits of RTOs including of providers who had been identified through complaints made to the authority.

"Our government is determined to stop training providers ripping off vulnerable students and taxpayers through the VET FEE-HELP program," Senator Birmingham said.

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reg bannerASQA currently has delegation arrangements in-place with 27 RTOs – mostly TAFEs in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.
RTOs were required to meet the following criteria to be eligible for a delegation of regulatory responsibility:

  • the RTO must have been registered for at least five years, and
  • the RTO must have been renewed by ASQA without audit, or have been
  • renewed with no non-compliances identified at audit, and
  • there are no outstanding regulatory concerns or regulatory actions being taken against the RTO.

ASQA invited 555 high performing RTOs with a strong history of compliance with the national standards and who have already met the eligibility criteria to apply for a delegation of regulatory responsibility. It will be up to the RTO as to whether they wish to take up this delegation.

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USI PromotionalEach time your students complete nationally recognised training, you must collect and verify their Unique Student Identifier (USI) before you can confer a qualification or statement of attainment.

When you submit your data according to the new VET data collection and reporting requirements, it will now include the USI for each of your students. This USI will be reported to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and entered in the national data collection.

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