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Facilitation PhotoOften people come to our courses looking for advice to transition into training after having done something else for a while.

Becoming a vocational educator, a trainer, a facilitator, a performance improvement professional is not going to happen overnight. It is a skill that is built over years.

To work in the vocational education and training sector there are some "compliance requirements" that can open a first important door to your future as trainer, but only a balanced combination of skills, knowledge, experience, and a lot of hard work to keep up with changes, will help you to succeed.

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training needs assessmentI recently met with a client who was preparing a industry consultation questionnaire for a new Training Product. Here is the crux of what he was planning to ask: What do learners need to learn?

This is one question you should never ask employers (senior leaders). You are asking a tactical question to people who function at a strategic level. Simply put, they don't know the answer. Senior leaders live in the world of results. So, ask them about results. You can then drill down into what employees need to do—and learn—with tactical managers in the organisation (supervisors).

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