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If you ask 10 different trainers to define "virtual training," you will probably get 10 different responses. To one person it might be talking a self-paced e-learning course, and to another it might mean a Second Life meeting. Virtual training is a broad term with many different interpretations.

In some ways, it's like the word health. When you tell someone that you want to "get healthy," they might think you will be changing your eating habits. To someone else it might mean exercising, getting more sleep, or losing weight. Health is a multifaceted word. In reality, the full scope of the word health encompasses all aspects of a person's well-being: physical, social, emotional, and spiritual. Yet when people talk about their health, they are usually referring to just one specific aspect of it. It's the same with virtual training. Virtual training is multifaceted, and could mean many things depending upon its context and who is talking about it.

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Informal learning

Much of what is learned by someone actually takes place outside of the formal classroom. This is called informal learning. Informal learning can be on-the-job training where someone learns by doing. It can also be reading a book or asking a colleague for assistance. Most informal learning is not captured or recorded as training. It simply happens out of necessity.

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The Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Board (VETAB) recently issued a guideline for RTOs on Organisational Capacity.

The guideline clarifies how registered providers can:

  1. Allocate floor space per student for their premises
  2. Apply maximum overseas student numbers per class.

This "Guideline" is part of a set of actions VETAB has taken during the last six months in order to improve quality management systems standards of Registered training Organisation in NSW, and as a respond to the industry needs in this area.

The National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007 (the National Code 2007) at Standard 14 requires that:

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