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Competency based training and assessment focuses on the development of competencies required for effective performance in employment. Most competency standards are designed to have a broad relevance to employment across an entire industry. The objective is to have workers who are capable of applying their skills in new situations and work organisations, rather then simply confirming their competence to perform current tasks.

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A research recently published by NCVER, shows some important information about the VET workforce. The mentioned study focuses on a critical aspect of the vocational education and training (VET) workforce: initial VET teacher training. It has identified the generic teacher education courses offered both by the VET and higher education sectors, ranging from the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (now the Certificate IV in Training and Education) to graduate diplomas. The certificate IV is not only the most significant in student number terms, but it is also the one true initial qualification. All the others are post-initial and targeted at teachers with some experience.

The key messages identified by Tom Karmel, Managing Director (NCVER) are:

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Barriers to Continuous Improvement

As a frontline manager or supervisor of quality within a RTO, you need to be aware of barriers that industries or organisations can place in the way of continuous improvement.  This well help you deal with difficult situation as they arise.

Defining the development of a new TAS as a project 2Common barriers relate to:

    • Lack of systems to support continuous improvement e.g. policies and procedures, systems to document continuous improvement processes, methods for gaining customer feedback, processes for training or retraining staff.

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