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By Jack and Patti Phillips

ROI, return on investment, is a metric fundamental to business and government alike. Executives and chief administrators recognize it, and business and operations managers appreciate it. It is calculated consistently and recognized across sectors around the world by those stakeholders with fiduciary responsibility for investments in people, projects, and processes.

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Evaluate-using-ROIBy Jack Phillips, PhD, and Patti Phillips, PhD

Before training evaluation begins, program objectives must be developed. Program objectives are linked to the needs assessment. Let's look at how objectives can be developed within the context of the five-level ROI framework. Setting clear objectives at each level is important because success with training objectives helps answer basic questions regarding program effectiveness.

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Trainers and vocational education practitioners recognize that the additional measurement and evaluation is needed. However, regardless of the motivation to pursue evaluation, they struggle with how to address the issue. They often ask, "Does it really provide the benefits to make it a routine, useful tool?" "Is it feasible within our resources?" "Do we have the capability of implementing a comprehensive evaluation process?" The answers to these questions often lead to a debate and controversy. Controversy stems for misunderstandings about the additional evaluation can and cannot do and how it can or should be implemented in the organizations. The following is a list of myths, including the appropriate clarifications:

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