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No matter what the topic, format, or circumstances, many people in the room simply are not on board when a facilitator walks through the door. Every facilitator has witnessed eye rolls, inattention, negative remarks, and body language that signals disinterest. Some people might be curious and questioning, others actively antagonistic.

Few professionals know how to deal with resistance, yet it's a key part of the facilitation process. Sometimes it is even the first sign that people are coming together. Working with resistance - and welcoming its expression - can resolve conflict, help people feel heard, and increase the trust needed for collaboration.

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In today's global economy, all companies from Fortune 100 powerhouses to small businesses look internationally for opportunities to grow. With so much at stake, trainers and other presenters who represent these companies often feel tremendous pressure to succeed.

Unfortunately, many people use approaches that work in their home countries but aren't effective when they speak to audiences from different cultures. Presenters might be experts on their content, products, or services, but may know little about the audience's culture. This often leads to cultural miscommunication, which can cost companies millions of dollars in lost sales, project delays, and damaged business relationships. Now more than ever, presenters who operate on the global stage need to understand the impact of cultural differences on how they communicate.

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