Training Package Development Under Review

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government-crestIn September 2014, the Minister for Industry, the Hon Ian Macfarlane MP announced that, at the end of the current contract period with Industry Skills Councils, the Australian Government would be moving to a more contestable model for the development and maintenance of training packages.

The Government is considering new approaches to the development and maintenance of training packages which will be underpinned by the implementation of a contestability framework to ensure employers, the training sector, graduates and the public are provided with the best possible outcomes at the best possible price and quality. Stakeholder feedback is crucial to the design of the final model.

The purpose of the Industry Engagement in Training Package Development Discussion Paper is to receive views and suggestions about contestable approaches to the development of training packages which guide industry-directed vocational education and training in Australia.

The Government anticipates the introduction of a new contestable model from July 2015.

Industry Engagement in Training Package Development – Towards a Contestable Model Discussion Paper

To assist the Department of Industry in compiling and analysing the views of all stakeholders, those who would like to be involved are encouraged to provide their feedback through the Department of Industry's Consultation Hub –

The period for providing submissions will be open from 31 October to 24 December 2014.

The department will be holding a series of consultation sessions and webinars in late 2014. Further information will be available on this page. Stakeholders can also register to receive notifications on the VET Reform website - register for VET Reform updates.

The department can be contacted via email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 13 38 73.

This discussion paper accompanies the paper Review of Training Packages and Accredited Courses Discussion Paper which is seeking views on whether training packages and accredited courses are meeting the needs of industry, employers and students.

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