Transitions and Teach Out

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Updated directions from ASQA

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has updated its general directions in relation to transition from superseded and deleted Training Package qualifications and units of competency, and expired accredited courses, as well as describing arrangements to teach-out students enrolled in superseded qualifications, units of competency, or expired accredited courses.

The following general direction can be used by RTOs as a guide to meet requirements under SNR 25 (Standards for NVR RTOs).

Transition Arrangements


RTO Registration

Continuing Students

New Students

Superseded training package qualification or

Superseded training package unit of competency

  • If an RTO has a training package qualification or unit of competency on its scope which has been superseded by a new training package qualification or unit, the RTO must apply to have the replacement training package qualification or unit added to its scope of registration as soon as it deems itself prepared but no later than 12 months from the release date of the earliest qualification that has replaced it on the national register (if it intends to offer and deliver the replacement qualification/unit).
  • A reduced application fee rate applies for RTOs that seek registration in accordance with these directions if the national register records that the superseded and replacement qualifications/units have equivalent vocational outcomes.
  • ASQA will remove a superseded training package qualification or unit of competency from an RTO’s scope of registration on the national register upon expiry of the 12 month period following publication of it having been replaced unless a provider specifically applies to ASQA to have the qualifications/unit removed earlier. The qualification or unit will then only appear in the ‘Display History’ section of the RTO’s scope on the national register.
  • An RTO must transfer current students of the superseded qualification or unit of competency into the replacement qualification or unit as soon as practicable following granting of registration but no later than 12 months from the date of publication of it being superseded on the national register.
  • Once a replacement qualification or unit of competency is published on the national register, an RTO may still commence training or assessment of a new student into the superseded qualification or unit, but only until the superseded qualification or unit is removed from its scope of registration on the national register.

 An RTO must transfer current students of the superseded qualification or unit of competency into the replacement qualification or unit as soon as practicable following granting of registration but no later than 12 months from the date of publication of it being superseded on the national register.

 Once a replacement qualification or unit of competency is published on the national register, an RTO may still commence training or assessment of a new student into the superseded qualification or unit, but only until the superseded qualification or unit is removed from its scope of registration on the national register.

Deleted training package qualification or 

Deleted training package unit of competency or 

Expired accredited course

  • If an RTO has a training package qualification or unit of competency on its scope that is removed from the training package, there is no qualification for the RTO to transition its registration to. When a qualification or unit of competency is deleted it will be immediately removed from an RTO’s scope on the national register.
  • If an RTO has an accredited course on its scope and that course expires, there is no qualification or course for the RTO to transition its registration to. An accredited course that has expired will show as ‘non-current’ on the national register.
  • ASQA will change a deleted training package qualification or unit or expired accredited course on an RTO’s scope of registration to a ‘noncurrent’ status following publication on the national register of its removal. The qualification or course will then only appear in the ‘Display History’ section of the RTO’s scope on the national register.
  • There is no replacement qualification or unit or course for the RTO to transition students of a deleted qualification or expired accredited course to. Nonetheless, the RTO must provide timely and adequate advice and guidance to students if the qualification/unit/course in which they are enrolled is deleted or expired, with the view to transferring the student to an alternative endorsed training package qualification, unit of competency or accredited course.
  • Once the national register publishes that a training package qualification or unit of competency has been deleted or that an accredited course has expired, an RTO must not commence any training or assessment of the deleted qualification or unit or expired accredited course to any new student.
 There is no replacement qualification or unit or course for the RTO to transition students of a deleted qualification or expired accredited course to. Nonetheless, the RTO must provide timely and adequate advice and guidance to students if the qualification/unit/course in which they are enrolled is deleted or expired, with the view to transferring the student to an alternative endorsed training package qualification, unit of competency or accredited course.  Once the national register publishes that a training package qualification or unit of competency has been deleted or that an accredited course has expired, an RTO must not commence any training or assessment of the deleted qualification or unit or expired accredited course to any new student.


Understanding ASQA's directions.

When interpreting SNR 25, and ASQA's directions and guidelines it is important to consider the following principles that underpin the requirements:

  • Students are entitled to receive the current (endorsed or accredited) training product, unless the student would be genuinely disadvantaged in transferring to that product under the prescribed transition arrangements. In these cases, an RTO is permitted a further period to teach-out the student in his/her existing qualification, but must be prepared to demonstrate, upon request from ASQA, how the student would have experienced genuine disadvantage if made to transition earlier. A student must not continue training in any qualification, course or unit of competency beyond the combined transition and teach-out periods under any circumstances.
  • RTOs must apply to have a new training package qualification, unit of competency and/or accredited course added to their scope of registration (by submitting an Application to change RTO scope of registration, accompanied by the required fee), if it wishes to deliver the new product. Approval of this application must be recorded on the national register ( before the RTO can commence delivery.
  • RTOs must ensure that students are not enrolled in qualifications/courses that adversely affect their opportunities for employment, residency status and/or future study pathways.
  • An RTO must provide timely and adequate advice and guidance to current students if the qualification or course in which they are enrolled is superseded/deleted/expired and ensure students are given the opportunity to transfer to replacement training package qualifications and accredited courses or other currently endorsed training packages or accredited courses.
  • Transfer of students must be undertaken in collaboration between the student and the RTO. Current students must not be required to transfer to new training package qualifications or new accredited courses where the genuine disadvantage to them in doing so would outweigh their continued training in, and issuance with, a qualification or statement of attainment for a superseded or deleted training package qualification or superseded or expired accredited courses.
  • A registration application for a superseded or deleted training package qualification (or part thereof) or expired accredited course (or part thereof) will not be considered, unless the application is to renew the RTO's current scope and the product is still within the allowable transition period.
  • An RTO does not need to apply to ASQA to teach-out a training package qualification, unit of competency or accredited course in accordance with this general direction.

Teach-out Arrangements


RTO Registration

Superseded training package qualification or

Superseded training package unit of competency

  • An RTO may continue to deliver training and assessment services and issue awards to current students of the superseded qualification who would have been genuinely disadvantaged if required to transfer to the replacement qualification, for up to 6 months after the expiry of the transition period for its replacement.
  • No teach-out provisions apply to superseded units of competency.
  • Students who have not completed a superseded qualification within 18 months or a superseded unit of competency within 12 months following publication of the item being superseded on the national register must be immediately issued with any eligible AQF testamur and transferred to a new qualification or new RTO.
  • Except to replace a testamur issued by the RTO previously, an RTO must not issue an AQF testamur to a student for a qualification that was superseded more than 18 months ago.
  • During the teach-out period, the RTO must not enrol students and/or commence delivery in the superseded qualification.

Deleted training package qualification or 

Deleted training package unit of competency or 

Expired accredited course

  • An RTO may continue to deliver training and assessment and issue AQF testamurs to current students of a deleted qualification or expired accredited course for up to 18 months after publication on the national register of the qualification being deleted or the course expiring. An RTO may continue to deliver training and assessment and issue AQF testamurs to current students of a deleted unit of competency for up to 12 months after publication on the national register of the unit being deleted.
  • Students who have not completed a deleted qualification or unit or an expired accredited course during this timeframe (ie. 18 months following publication of its removal from the national register) must be immediately issued with any eligible AQF testamur and transferred to a new qualification, unit or course or to a new RTO.
  • Except to replace a testamur issued by the RTO previously, an RTO must not issue an AQF testamur to a student for a qualification or unit that was deleted or an accredited course that expired more than 18 months ago.
  • During the teach-out period, the RTO must not enrol new students and/or commence delivery in the deleted qualification or unit or expired accredited course.


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  • Address: G.03/25 Solent Circuit, Norwest, NSW, 2153
  • ABN 74 625 075 041 


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