Changes ahead for trainers and assessors

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Requirements for all vocational trainers and assessors are changing to make sure they have the skills and knowledge to support the development of adult learners' language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills.
IBSA confirms that by July 2014 the unit TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills will become part of the core of TAE40110 and all new and existing trainers will need to hold or demonstrate equivalent competency to this unit.

There has been growing awareness that people need to develop their LLN skills not only at school but across the whole of their life. IBSA have made significant changes in the TAE10 Training Package to provide trainers with relevant knowledge and skills required to address learners' LLN skills in their VET experience.
In July 2014 the current elective unit TAELLN411A Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills will become a core unit in the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

What is in the TAELLN401 unit?
The unit of competency TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills describes knowledge and skills required to understand LLN issues in training and assessment practice. In particular describes the skills and knowledge that you need to:

  • analyse LLN requirements,
  • select and use resources and strategies to address LLN skills requirements,
  • use specialist LLN support when required, and
  • evaluate effectiveness learning support and assessment strategies in addressing LLN requirements.

Competency in this unit does not indicate specialist adult LLN practitioner skills. In simple terms, the unit is about being aware of the balance between the LLN demands of the training environment, the LLN requirements of the training program and the LLN skills of your learners.

What does this mean for VET trainers and assessors?
To work as a trainer in the VET sector a trainer must hold, as a minimum, the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment from the TAE10 Training and Education Training Package or be able to demonstrate equivalent competency. If you have already achieved the unit TAELLN411 (or TAELLN401A) you have already met the new requirement.

Insources recently added to its set of professional development programs, a full day workshop (in partnership with Distance Learning Australia) to address this unit of competency. See more details at Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills.

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