ASQA's General Directions Updated

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asqa logoEffective from the 1st April 2015, ASQA's has updated its own general directions for Learner Transition, previously known as "Teach out period".

The new document outlines General Direction and arrangements concerning:

  • the commencement of a new learner in a training product which is no longer current (i.e. the training product has been superseded, removed or deleted from the National Register); and
  • the time-frame in which a RTO must complete the training, assessment and AQF certification documentation issuance for learners enrolled in a training product which is, or becomes, no longer current.

These arrangements are made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1.26 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (the Standards for RTOs 2015).

Approved transition arrangements

For any learner enrolled before 1 April 2015 in a training product which is or becomes superseded, removed or deleted from the National Register (regardless of when the learner is scheduled to complete training and assessment), ASQA approves that, should the RTO desire, the teach-out provisions detailed in the General Direction – Transition and Teach-out (dated 1 January 2014) may be applied. A copy of that General is attached (see Attachment 1).

(It is noteworthy that an existing addendum to that document provides that a RTO may extend the teach-out period to complete the training, assessment and awarding of AQF certification documentation to a learner without ASQA's approval where the learner would be genuinely disadvantaged should the RTO adhere to the defined teach-out periods.)

For learners enrolled on 1 April 2015 or later in a training product which is, or becomes, superseded (noting that no new enrolments are permitted in training products which are removed or deleted from the National Register), the provisions of the General Direction of 1 January 2014 do not apply. To be absolutely clear, RTOs may not continue to train, assess or issue AQF certification documentation for learners enrolled on or after 1 April 2015 beyond the periods specified in Clauses 1.26 (a), (b) and (c) of the Standards for RTOs 2015 except as provided below.

While ASQA is empowered to approve transition periods longer than those detailed in Clauses 1.26 (a), (b) and (c) of the Standards for RTOs 2015, ASQA will only consider applications for a longer transition period where it can be demonstrated that there would be genuine disadvantage to a cohort of learners if such an extension was not approved.

While applications on the basis described above may be submitted by individual RTOs or other interested parties (for example, an industry group), it is unlikely that such applications would be approved unless accompanied by appropriate supporting material (for example, by a State/Territory training authority where apprenticeships are involved; a licensing body; or a State/Territory Education Department where school students are involved).

ASQA does not intend to accept applications for extended transition periods from an individual learner or groups of learners.

Should ASQA approve an extended transition period, that arrangement will apply to all RTOs delivering the specific training product to the identified learner cohort (e.g. plumbing apprentices in a specific jurisdiction where the qualification has been superseded), regardless of who made the application.

Download the General Direction—Learner transition (PDF 448kb)


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