Why Measure Impact and ROI of your Training?

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JackPattiIn recent years, we have witnessed change in organisational accountability, especially toward investment in training, programs, and projects.

Employers and government are concerned about the value of their investment on vocational education and training. Today, this concern translates into financial impact, the actual monetary contribution from a training program.

Although monetary value is a critical concern, it is the comparison of this value with the project costs that captures stakeholders' attention— and translates to ROI. "Show me the money" is the familiar response from individuals asked to invest (or continue to invest) in major projects (including training programs). At times, this response is appropriate.

At other times, it is misguided; measures not subject to monetary conversion are also important, if not critical, to most projects. A balanced profile of success is needed. This profile should include qualitative and quantitative data as well as financial and non-financial outcomes. Excluding the monetary component from a success profile is unacceptable in this age of "show me" generation. The monetary value is sometimes required before training is approved.

This issue is compounded by concern that most projects (including training programs) today fail to live up to expectations. A systematic process is needed that can identify barriers to, and enablers of, success and can drive organisational improvements.

The challenge lies in doing it— developing the measures of value, including monetary value, when they are needed and presenting them in a way so that stakeholders can use them:

  • • Before the project is implemented.
  • • During implementation, so that maximum value can be attained.
  • • During post-analysis, to assess the delivered value against the anticipated value.
  • The ROI MethodologyTM is a process that address all three scenarios

Why the ROI Certification program works

  1. Focused. The content is rich with examples, tools, techniques, case studies, and templates to make it easy to collect and analyze powerful data. Participants often leave this workshop indicating that this is the most important workshop in their professional career.
  2. Proven. The ROI Methodology is built on application and process improvement. Beginning with the first studies in 1970s, the process has been refined, enhancements added, process models developed, and an impressive list of applications. It meets the needs for executives, professional evaluators, and users alike. Over 5,000 organisations are now using this methodology to conduct ROI Studies on all types of projects and programs.
  3. Practical. This workshop is not based of the success of another theory, but in practical processes. Mathematics are basic. There are no confusing theories, time-wasting trivia, and certainly no touchy-feely stuff in this workshop. Participants are taught how to use this methodology in their world, designed around their projects. They learn how to do an ROI study and they prove it after the workshop.
  4. Grounded in reality. When it comes to analytics and ROI, It is sometimes difficult to stay realistic or relevant. This workshop is based on a proven methodology with standards that are conservative, consistent, and credible. These standards have evolved and new ones have been added over time, all approved by the users. It has been designed, shaped, modified, and enhanced by its users. All of the examples, applications, and case studies are real situations. It is nothing but reality.
  5. Cost effective. When considering books, workshops, job aids, skills acquired, five-days of valuable facilitation, online access, the right to use materials, and the designation of Certified ROI Professional, this is a bargain. Compare to other certifications, this is the most cost-effective certification. This is not just a one-time workshop. This is an ongoing learning opportunity.
  6. Endorsed by executives and organisations. This methodology has been approved and endorsed by top executives and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) in many organisations. Sometimes the CFO is involved in implementing this process in an organisation. Over half of the Fortune 500 companies have endorsed this methodology. Over 20 professional associations have endorsed it, such as the Association for Talent Development (ATD), Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the International Public Manager Association (IPMA), and the Australian Society of Training and Development (ASTDI) to name a few. Many non-governmental organisations have also endorsed it, such as the United Nations. Over 25 federal governments, including the USA, Mexico, Canada, UK, Singapore, Australia, Chile, Italy, and Egypt have endorsed the methodology. These endorsements are not sought, but came from those organisations after they saw the power of the methodology.
  7. Sought-after designation. The Certified ROI Professional is now a sought-after designation in many professional fields, particularly in the Human Capital area. Since the first 5-day certification was conducted in 1995, over 10,000 managers and professionals have participated in the ROI Certification, with actual 4,000 actual CRPs. This certification is a work-product certification so that the employers and clients know that participants can conduct a ROI study. Certifies ROI Professionals report that they have been able to translate this designation into new job assignments, new responsibilies, promotions, salary increases. Some indicated that the certification have been a factor in keeping the job in the face of layoffs.
  8. Design and delivered by thought leaders. This workshop was designed by the founders of ROI Institute, Jack and Patti Phillips and it is delivered by senior executives of ROI Institute. The workshop is constantly updated. Jack and/or Patti are usually involved in each of the certification workshops, along with other team members. Each facilitator has years of experience in using ROI in top organisations, extensive publications, and consulting experience with a variety of audiences.
  9. Immediately applicable. The tools, processes, and skills learned in this workshop can be applied immediately. Some participants make adjustments during the workshop, modifying the process, policies, and practices of their respective organisations. The ROI Methodology can be used to evaluate existing programs or new programs. Ideally, the time to start the evaluation process is at the beginning of a program.
  10. Valuable takeaways. Participants have many takeaways, including: 4-5 books provided tailored to the participants industry or application, a detailed workbook with places for notes and actions, models and application guides, 15-20 case studies in the area of their interest, at least a dozen articles, archived webinars, templates, and downloadable tools. Research generated by ROI Institute and Insources is available to participants at no cost and membership in the ROI Institute and Insources exclusive members only websites is provided at no charge.

For more information about this ROI Professional Certification click here

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